Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Teaching method in Preschool

Through the video, I can learn from them how to plan a creative lesson for children and the way to teach in preschool. As a teacher, we must be patient to our children. Patience is a virtue. The most important quality that a teacher should have is patience. A great teacher is very patient with their students and their parents to deal with the same questions and problems over and over again.  You never give up on your students and would try out new ways to help them succeed in school. Besides that, a great teacher should also care about their students. This teacher is the one who students can go to when they have problems/issues or maybe just to share a funny story with! Great teachers are also great listeners and will make time to listen to their students.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Austin's Butterfly

Our lecturer show us a video which is the Austin's butterfly which help building excellence in student work. This video had inspired me in my teaching job.

How this video can be useful: 

  • A great model of critique and revision for students and teachers of all ages; it has been used a metaphor for improvement by students from kindergarten to high school, and by teachers and school leaders. It’s clear, visual image of the reason to have high standards and systems for improving work.
  • An example of the difference between creative drawing and scientific drawing.
  • The specific changes in his drawings can be linked to very specific feedback from peers, illuminating the need for critique to be targeted and specific.
  • An inspirational model of the power of perseverance and revision to improve quality.
  • An example of how we often stop short in school from pushing students to a high level of quality.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Curriculum Design

Image result for curriculum design

Components of Curriculum Design:

1.  Objectives
2.  Content
3.  Learning Experiences
4.  Evaluation

Curriculum Sources: 
1.  Science
2.  Society
3.  Moral doctrine
4.  Knowledge
5.  Learner

Image result for curriculum sources

Design Dimensions Considerations (Curriculum Design)
 Must achieve the following:
• scope
• sequence
• continuity
• integration
• articulation
• balance

Friday, November 4, 2016

Reflection on Curriculum Model

      Today we learned about several curriculum model in our class. There is Bobbitt & Charters, Ralph Tyler and Hilda Taba theories. I will prefer "The Tyler Model" by Ralph Tyler. It was one of the best known models for curriculum development with special attention to the planning phases. It uses children's interests as the focus of attention in the educational design process. The idea that children learn more effectively when they are allowed to pursue at least some of their interests is central to Tyler's philosophy.

      Tyler's model has four parts, consisting of objectives, instructional content and strategies, organization of experiences for learning, and evaluation and assessment.

      With regard to objectives, the Tyler model seeks to clarify the purposes that an educational institution seeks to accomplish. The content and strategies portion focuses on the educational experiences that are most likely to accomplish those particular objectives. For example, a school that is developing an English curriculum might create a objective to write essays. Select the right experience will help in student engagement.

       Then, developing learning experiences that help the students to achieve objective. For example, if students need to meet the objective of writing an essay. The learning experience might be a demonstration by the teacher of writing an essay. The students then might practice writing essays. The experienceis consistent with the objective.

      After that, by organizing the experiences. Should the teacher demonstrate first or should the students learn by writing immediately? Either way could work and preference is determined by the philosophy of the teacher and the needs of the students. The point is that the teacher needs to determine a logical order of experiences for the students.

      Lastly, for evaluation of the objectives, the teacher assesses the students ability to write an essay. There are many ways to do this. For example, the teacher could have the students write an essay without assistance. If they can do this, it is evidence that the students have achieve the objective of the lesson.

      There are variations on this model. However, the Tyler model is still considered by many to be the strongest model for curriculum development.

Monday, October 17, 2016

About ME.

Here I start to say something about myself. Hello, I'm Serena. I'm a just a simple girl living in city with a dream like everyone does. My dream and goals of life is to open up my own kindergarten. So to fulfill my dream, I'm doing my bachelor in Early Childhood Education. Many people have reservations about the importance of early childhood education but I always believe that children are born learning, and that their first years of life impact the success they experience later in school.

Working with children requires patience, dedication and sensitivity. Trying to keep up with them can be exhausting, but if you’re up to the challenge, it can also be extremely rewarding. Young children are not like other students. Their needs are unique and you must be aware of this. It is important to understand that you could be one of the first adults a young child has interacted with outside of his or her own family.


 “Every student is unique in his or her strengths and challenges, and it is the job of the teacher to foster highly individualized learning in response to the student. Not the other way around.” – Ellen Brandenberger, USA

My passion is to teach young children. The highlights of my days at work are when I see a child’s eyes light up when they learn/try something new. When they suddenly are able to make the letters in their name, or do something they weren’t previously able to do, I get as excited as they do. When my preschoolers are lined up waiting to come into class, and then run in and give me a hug, it warms my heart. Although there are a ton of things that I enjoy doing outside of work, none of them are quite as fulfilling as teaching those little ones who soak up everything I can give them!