Monday, October 17, 2016

About ME.

Here I start to say something about myself. Hello, I'm Serena. I'm a just a simple girl living in city with a dream like everyone does. My dream and goals of life is to open up my own kindergarten. So to fulfill my dream, I'm doing my bachelor in Early Childhood Education. Many people have reservations about the importance of early childhood education but I always believe that children are born learning, and that their first years of life impact the success they experience later in school.

Working with children requires patience, dedication and sensitivity. Trying to keep up with them can be exhausting, but if you’re up to the challenge, it can also be extremely rewarding. Young children are not like other students. Their needs are unique and you must be aware of this. It is important to understand that you could be one of the first adults a young child has interacted with outside of his or her own family.


 “Every student is unique in his or her strengths and challenges, and it is the job of the teacher to foster highly individualized learning in response to the student. Not the other way around.” – Ellen Brandenberger, USA

My passion is to teach young children. The highlights of my days at work are when I see a child’s eyes light up when they learn/try something new. When they suddenly are able to make the letters in their name, or do something they weren’t previously able to do, I get as excited as they do. When my preschoolers are lined up waiting to come into class, and then run in and give me a hug, it warms my heart. Although there are a ton of things that I enjoy doing outside of work, none of them are quite as fulfilling as teaching those little ones who soak up everything I can give them!

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